6 Reasons Why Jewellery Is So Meaningful
Adorning ourselves with jewellery made from precious metals and stones has been part of almost every culture around the world for thousands of years.
There is so much more to jewellery than just a fashion statement!
Wearing jewellery is steeped in history, and tradition and represents the most beautiful connections, relationships and memories that one will have over the course of their lifetime.
For these reasons, we firmly believe that jewellery is a classic and timeless gift. Building a collection of meaningful jewellery can add to your and your family’s life in a way that is much deeper than just material possessions.
In this post, discover six reasons why jewellery is so meaningful.

1. Jewellery is a physical reminder of our memories
Quality jewellery made out of precious metals and stones will last much longer than one lifetime.
Therefore, having pieces of jewellery in our collection that we hold on to, is a tool to transport us back to memories, people, pets and experiences that we want to cherish for a lifetime.
Whether you have a piece of jewellery given to you by someone you love dearly or a piece that was gifted for a landmark birthday or milestone such as a 21st, graduation or wedding, every time we see or wear that piece of jewellery we will remember and truly feel that moment in time, perhaps as if it was just yesterday!
These stories and memories can then be passed down to future generations along with the piece of heirloom jewellery, creating lasting connections and collective memories between generations who may have never even met!
Now that is powerful.

2. Jewellery connects us to other people
Since jewellery is quite often given as a gift to commemorate a special time in life or an event, it can conjure up an everlasting connection to the people surrounding that event.
Whether it is a connection to your mother for a piece she gave you for your birthday or your matching graduation ring from high school reminds you of your best friend at the time, perhaps it is a ring that you inherited from your grandmother when she passed or even how a wedding band will always keep you connected to your spouse.
In this way, jewellery can help us feel connected to the ones we love and bring up feelings of love and care towards them. Having a piece of jewellery that is connected to someone special in your life can also help you to keep connected with them and continue to nurture that relationship.
Every time you wear, see or touch a special piece connected to someone you love, you will think of them! And they will feel it.

3. Jewellery makes us feel good & lifts our self-esteem
While jewellery does have a deeper meaning than just a material fashion statement, it is still a way for us to adorn ourselves with something beautiful and precious.
Jewellery can lift our mood, make us feel amazing about ourselves and also serve as a way for us to express our unique sense of style.
All of this can lead to increased confidence and self-esteem which will then positively affect other aspects of our lives such as our relationships and our career!
By having increased confidence and a brighter mood, we will create a ripple effect around us of good vibrations which will positively impact the people around us.
Also, never underestimate the power of a beautiful piece of bright jewellery brightening up someone else’s day!

4. Jewellery is empowering
Traditionally jewellery has been given to people to commemorate and mark achievements such as a graduation ring, military rewards, Olympian medals, presidential awards and so on.
This has been an element of our culture for thousands of years and therefore the association of achievement and success with jewellery is deeply ingrained in us.
Jewellery is an amazing way to celebrate accomplishments such as a promotion, an academic award or degree, graduation, finishing a marathon and so on.
By using jewellery in this way, every time you wear or see a piece of jewellery that was given to you for an achievement you will be empowered! You will remember what you are capable of and how much you have already achieved.
You will be reminded that when you put your mind to something, you can achieve it!
This makes jewellery a truly empowering tool in this way.

5. Jewellery connects us to our ancestors who have passed
Family heirloom pieces of jewellery that are passed down from one generation to the next are incredibly special.
Heirloom jewellery is so precious and priceless. It is a true mark of how special jewellery really is.Whether it is a ring, diamond, necklace, charm bracelet, watch or broach, all of these types of jewellery are incredible connections to our family.
Jewellery holds energy, memories and stories of the people before you who have loved and worn them. With each piece of family jewellery comes the stories and memories of that family member, even if the person who has it now has never even met them, they can feel intimately connected.
If the piece of jewellery was worn constantly by the family member that has passed on, their energy will be contained within that piece of jewellery and you can feel connected to them and carry them everywhere you go even if they are no longer here in the physical with you.
How incredible is that!?

6. Jewellery can help us manifest our desires and intentions
Many cultures and traditions have believed in the healing and magical properties of precious metals such as silver and gold and gemstones for thousands of years.
For example in Vedic astrology, astrologers will provide specific jewellery and metals to be worn in specific places to help counteract negative aspects of your natal chart.
Traditions across the globe have used jewellery to impart certain physical and emotional healing benefits to the wearer such as gold being anti-inflammatory or rose quartz attracting love into your life. There are also certain gemstones associated with each birth month!
These healing and manifesting properties of certain metals and gemstones are supercharged when the wearer has the true belief that the jewellery will create those outcomes, this is called the placebo effect and it really works!
So whatever it is you want to manifest or heal, there will be a piece of jewellery out there that will help you manifest your desires and intentions. All you have to do is believe that it will!

Looking to add something special to your collection or find a meaningful gift?
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